Hailey Welch, better known as the “Hawk Tuah girl,” has experienced a rapid rise to fame. From launching her own podcast to making high-profile event appearances and even selling Hawk Tuah Halloween costumes, she was everywhere. However, her viral moment took a sharp downturn when her meme coin, $HAWK, plummeted in value, leading to controversy.

Just as it seemed like her time in the spotlight was over, Welch unknowingly triggered another viral sensation with one simple phrase.

The Sound


In a now-famous clip, Welch casually says, “Anyhoo, I’m going to go to bed, and I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” It’s a seemingly harmless statement, but the way she delivers it—upbeat and carefree—has taken TikTok by storm.

One TikTok user jokingly compared her to “an animated Disney character,” while another humorously suggested she “should’ve gone into voice acting.” Others chimed in, saying, “Tell me she wouldn’t be the cutest animated squirrel.”

In addition to her animated comparisons, users expressed their shock at her casual tone regarding her past actions. “Why is no one talking about the best part of this audio?” asked one user. “Bros genuine shock and disbelief of her nonchalance about scamming people out of millions of dollars.”

Where’s It From?

This now-iconic soundbite comes from Welch’s appearance on Voidzilla’s X Spaces stream. The appearance took place after her crypto scandal unfolded. During the stream, Voidzilla began questioning her about the details of her crypto scheme, which some have labeled a “rug pull scam.” Instead of addressing the accusations, Welch abruptly ended the conversation with her signature line: “Anyhoo, I’m going to go to bed, and I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

Rather than clearing things up, this moment turned into a meme—and Welch’s viral moment continued.

Sound Off

TikTokers quickly adopted the sound for their own memes, using it as a POV or reaction clip. Here are a couple of examples:

  • “POV: It’s 5am and the Discord call has lasted 12 hours and you don’t know how to hang up,” @aauriettv said.
  • “Me saying goodnight to all the screens that give me a combined 18 hours of screen time per day and severe brain fog,” @brennus shared.

While Welch may have “hawked” her last tuah, her viral moment shows no signs of fading.


This audio is of hawk tuah being investigated for scamming idk if thay makes it funny or not lol #memestiktok

♬ Hawk Tuah Bed Time – brennus